Monday, 29 November 2010

Exercise Motivation

So I had a tidgy smidgy rant/moan yesterday, non?! I have decided that the thing that always gets me out of my slump is the thing i've been avidly avoiding for the past couple of weeks - EXERCISE!!

Sooo, I rectified this tonight by completing the cardio workout from my Zumba kit and *drumroll please* I have packed my gym kit tonight ready for a workout tomorrow morning!

I ummned and ahhed about it for ages and just thought sod it - so what if I have to get up earlier and so what if it's freezing and i'm going to have to defrost my car before I set off...ooh nope begone negative thoughts!
Nothing worth having is ever easy, you have to work for it. So this is me working like a mofo for it!

I plan to go to the gym at least once more this week, as well as completing some exercise dvds in between. This is the week where I turn it all around!!

Y'see, PMA (positive mental attitude) Does wonders....

Ooh nearly forgot - I looked up one of my fave fitness websites - Shape online - and there was a feature of exercise motivation quotes from 'real people'. Check them out here.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! Getting started is always the hardest part - once you've done that you'll be fine. I still haven't tried zumba...maybe I should make that a NY resolution??

