Thursday, 31 March 2011

Feeling Like a Rockstar Part Two

My kick arse week continues strong...

  • I started week three of the C25K and felt strong, capable and like a world-beater.
  • Learning how to run is the best feeling ever.
  • I wish I could tell the teenage version of myself that one day I would be bouncing out of bed at 6am to go running!
  • When negative thoughts have inevitably crept in this week I have acknowledged them, given them a few minutes to ponder then cast them aside. Rockstars don't give a toss if they say something stupid, or worry about showing the best bits of their personality to ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE ALL THE TIME.
  • I have plenty of friends and colleagues who like me for me without me even trying, so no need spend the effort trying to impress people who don't really impress me.
  • Being nice to myself WORKS. I am having a great week!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Feeling Like a Rockstar Part One

As mentioned yesterday, this week is going to be my biatch. I'm going to attack it with such revved up positive intentions, the likes of which not seen since my festival weekends!

This morning my alarm went off early and after a few initial thoughts of sacking it off, I got ready for the gym to complete my second week of the C25K. I ATTACKED that walk/run, spurred on by the joggers surrounding me. I felt really powerful and finished strong.

I got ready for work in the changing rooms and put on the outfit I had picked out last night-  green peg leg trousers, a nude coloured pussy bow blouse and a gorge floaty cappuccino-coloured Topshop shrug. I had been wary of wearing my new trousers outside of the house as they are high waisted so you have to tuck the top in or else you look to top heavy -therefore making a feature of my waist (good) but then people will be looking at my tummy area (bad). Well I plucked up the nerve to wear them to work and I have never got so many comments about looking nice in work as I have today. I felt like a rockstar!

Today was the best Monday I've had in a while. C'mon Tuesday - I'm ready for you! :)

Sunday, 27 March 2011

It is so ON this week!

The clocks have gone forward. Spring has sprung. It's the beginning of a new week and I am well and truly revved up for it. C'MOOOOON!

I weighed in this morning and have lost the 6lbs I put on over my holiday the week before last, so am now back to 15st 2lbs - where I was pre-holiday. I'm sure those 6lbs were just scared off by the sheer force of my positive attitude this week (on and maybe a few gym visits!)

My gym bag will be packed tonight ready for the beginning of a arse-kicking week! I am still following the C25K plan (and still loooving it!) but after a bit of fannying around of schedules I'm going to re-start the second week tomorrow so I can still schedule in the proper rest days.

I'm going to try and maintain my PMA (positive mental attitude) - particularly in work - as being negative about everything, and myself, is just too tiring.

Bring it on week because I'm ready for ya!

As well as the C25K I'm also going to be re-visiting my Thursday night Zumba class (as we now have a new instructor).

I've also been thinking about mixing things up and keeping things fun (another thing I'm trying to abide by - making exercise fun) possibly buying a hula hoop. Does anybody else hula? I love it on the Wii Fit so might treat myself to one this week.

I wish you all top week. Go get 'em my lovelies!!

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Quick Thoughts

  • I am feeling positive.
  • I am feeling strong and confident.
  • I will reach my weight loss goal.
  • I will experience all my life goals.
  • The only thing that holds me back from doing/feeling the above is me.
  • I am going to be my own best friend as being mean to myself does not do ANY good.
  • I am going to try and live by the old adage "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" - even when it comes to ridiculous/annoying/infuriating/horrible people.
  • Getting fit and enjoying exercise is more important than the number on a scale.
  • Motivation is not an actual 'thing' - you either do something or you don't.
  • Waiting around for the magical motivational moment is futile (see above point).
  • I am slightly obsessed with reading stories/looking at old photos of Elizabeth Taylor.
  • I like short bullet point lists.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Fake it to Make it

I'm slowly getting back into the healthy mindset yet I still need a boost (or a boot...up the bum). My first step has been spending some time on myself doing mani/pedicures, faffing around with make up etc, and basically trying to pretty myself up, because if I don't look good on the outside then I don't feel like putting the effort in to help myself feel good (whether that be with exercise or eating well). I know that sounds a bit backwards - usually the adage is to put the effort in first to then make yourself look good. But if I feel like rubbish and I wear old, dowdy clothes, leave my hair greasy and don't bother with my 3-step skincare routine then I think "why bother eating a hearty breakfast?" or "why bother resisting those mid-afternoon treats?" or "why bother putting that exercise DVD on tonight?" Basically, why bother with myself at all?

Well I'm far from ever giving up so therefore I do make the effort. I weighed in this morning and have put 6lbs on in the past three weeks. Sigh. So it's a step back but I'm worth the effort so I'm picking myself back up and forging on.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Checking in...

In short:
  • I have just got home from a week eating my way around Wales with my parents.
  • Did a quick weigh in this morning. Does. Not. Look. Good.
  • I REALLY missed exercising.
  • Eating what I want, when I want is fun for a day...then it just makes me feel like crap.
  • Going to start WW tracking this instant to get me back on track.
So I had a fantastic, relaxing holiday - the weather was brilliant and I got some amazing photos (even on my crappy camera phone) and needless to say I'm gutted to be back home and the thought of going into work on Monday is too much to bear. Anyways, I've got lots of blog/news/TV to catch up on this weekend, so just chilling out :)